The Farm

Wedding Flowers farm

I acquired the farm in the spring of 2018 where I live and grow on four acres. Almost immediately, I began building gardens and growing vegetables and flowers. Soon I found myself with more flowers than vases. Quickly the enjoyment of handing someone a bouquet of fresh blooms became addictive. This was the beginning of my burgeoning flower farm, delivering bundles of blooms to friends.

The farm runs along the Columbia River, nested behind a strip of trees, protecting the property from the wind. There are eagles, swans, woodpeckers, and many other migrating birds that visit all year long. Even the occasional bear or deer will pop in, and one can often hear the coyotes and wolves calling from the river banks at night.

I am continually looking at ways to grow and expand our little farm. There have been many accomplishments, and of course, some struggles, but I love that I am always learning. A constant welcoming of new ways and processes from our greatest teacher, Mother Nature.

Looking forward to the 2024 growing season.